The Founder
Meet Josh

Hi, I'm Josh. I have a very busy lifestyle between working a high pressure job and a family with active kids. I am a coffee lover. Espresso to be exact. It's easy to have an espresso around the house but running off to work or to run errands, I couldn't find the right espresso to-go cup. In fact, I couldn't find any! True to my nature, nothing is impossible, so I decided to make my own. SPROGO was invented so that anyone can take the drink they love in a perfectly sized cup to-go.

The Facts

14 Billion Nespresso pods are sold annually (that is 400 Nespresso's per second)!

Espresso based beverages are the fastest growing group of preferred coffee drinks

62% of Americans drink coffee daily. That's more than those who drink bottled water (53%)

Approximately 30% of coffee drinkers prefer an espresso based beverage (led by the 25-39 age group)

To Get it just right
The Process

SPROGO took almost an entire year to design and perfect. Initial models were 3D printed and tested, followed by solid glass samples. Working direct with our manufacturers, eventually we found the perfect design to be the perfect size cup with features made specifically to enahnce your experience.